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Universität Stuttgart

Building an Insect Hotel with 3D Printing and Sustainable Biomaterials (englischsprachig, Klasse 9-10)

Angebot vor Ort
27.04.2023|09:30 – 18:00 Uhr |freie Plätze: 8/15
Anmeldefrist abgelaufen.

Bio-based Materials and Materials Cycles in Architecture (BioMat) - Institut für Tragkonstruktionen und Konstruktives Entwerfen (ITKE), Institute for Social Sciences (SOWI)

Did you know that pollinators like bees, butterflies, and ladybugs play a crucial role in our local ecosystems and food systems? Unfortunately, many of these important insects are facing habitat loss and population decline. Join our workshop and learn how to use 3D printing technology and sustainable biomaterials to create an insect hotel – a habitat designed to provide shelter and nesting sites for these vital creatures.

In this workshop, you'll learn the basics of 3D modelling and printing, how to prepare your design for printing, and how to operate a 3D printer. We will also talk about how to make sure your insect home is safe and welcoming for different types of pollinators.

We will be using materials that are friendly to the environment, called biomaterials, like bioplastics and natural fibres, to print and assemble the insect hotels. These materials are eco-friendly, renewable, and biodegradable, which means that they won't harm the environment or the insects that use the hotels.

By building an insect hotel with sustainable biomaterials, you'll be supporting the health of your local ecosystem and food system in a responsible and environmentally-friendly way. Pollinators like bees and butterflies play a vital role in the growth of fruits, vegetables, and other crops. Creating a welcoming habitat for these insects can help to increase their populations and ensure the health of our local environment.

You'll have access to our 3D printers and filaments to experiment with. We will guide you through the printing and assembly process and give you tips on how to install your pollinator home in your garden. By the end of the workshop, you'll have gained hands-on experience with 3D printing and developed valuable skills that can help you in your future studies and career. You'll also have created a functional insect house to take home and install in your garden or balcony, where it will help to support the health of your local pollinators.

No prior experience with 3D printing is required, and all necessary materials and equipment will be provided. Come join us and make a positive impact on your local ecosystem with the exciting possibilities of 3D printing technology and sustainable biomaterials!

Suitable for class 9-10 (age 14-16)! The workshop will be led in English, but bilingual (English-German) help will be given when necessary.

Einige Tage nach der Anmeldung erhaltet ihr eine Anmeldebestätigung der Universität Stuttgart per E-Mail mit den Informationen, wo genau die Veranstaltung stattfindet. 

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Wichtiger Hinweis zur Anmeldung

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Wichtiger Hinweis zur Anmeldung

Zur Teilnahme an diesem Angebot musst du mindestens 13 Jahre alt sein.

Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstr. 7
70174 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0711.685 0
Tanja Walther
uniqUS – Stabsstelle für inklusive Universitätskultur
Telefon: 0711.685 84635
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