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Exzellenzcluster Physik des Lebens

Where Physics and Biology meet to make life!

Angebot vor Ort
25.04.2024|09:00 – 12:00 Uhr |freie Plätze: 8/15 |barrierefrei
Anmeldefrist abgelaufen.

Everything in the world can be explained by physical laws, but what about life? Can we explain life with physics? In our 3-hour program, you will experience how we study the beginning of life using physics!

In the first part, we will understand how to use Drosophila flies (yes, the little fruit fly) and their mutations to understand the theoretical laws of crossing species. You will have the chance to play with the flies, identify the males and females, and put together mimicking the crossing. Spoiler alert: there is also a fluorescent fly! By the end of the first part, the result of the crossing awaits you, the egg chamber, and how they can be used for research.

In the second part, we will dive into one of the biggest discoveries of the last 10 years in the field of biophysics, biomolecular condensates. These are special water environments within our cells that form from phase separation. With hands-on experiments, we will create phase-separated liquid droplets and show how water is pivotal for the physics and biology of cells.

We are happy to welcome you and bring you to the world where physics and biology become one! Science is very international and our institute is as well. Then, we offer the course in English, and this way you can also have the full experience of how it is an international research institute :)

The offer has limited spots!



Dieses Angebot ist barrierefrei

Wenn du begleitende Unterstützung benötigst, melde dich bitte im Vorfeld bei uns. Bei weiteren Fragen ruf uns gerne an oder schreib eine E-Mail. Wir können dann deinen Besuch vor Ort gemeinsam planen.

Wichtiger Hinweis zur Anmeldung

Das Angebot hat bereits stattgefunden, du kannst dich nicht mehr anmelden. Bitte frag' auch nicht bei der Ansprechperson nach.

Wichtiger Hinweis zur Anmeldung

Zur Teilnahme an diesem Angebot musst du mindestens 12 Jahre alt sein.

Exzellenzcluster Physik des Lebens
Arnoldstr. 18
01307 Dresden
Telefon: +49 351 463-41517
Dr. Kaori Nakashima
Science Communication Officer
Telefon: 035146341517
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